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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    A Time for Action

    By jdee, Section News
    Posted on Thu Nov 08, 2007 at 09:18:32 PM EST
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    The new president of France has just spoken to our congress, and in his speech, he stated that America has the extraordinary ability to give those who live here a second chance.  America is the land of opportunity and of second chances.  And now, in the state tax increase debate, we have a second chance.

    When the state legislature passed the tax increase back in October, we did a lot of talking.  Blogs lit up like Christmas trees with complaints and debates......but there was little noise on the streets of Lansing.  The senators and representatives had only staffers and reporters to keep them company.  The citizens stayed home....happy to rake leaves and watch football.....and then complain about the results come Monday morning.  We got the tax increase that the Governor wanted, the one we knew would cripple the economy and send shockwaves through the business community.  But we didn't really DO anything to stop it.

    But now we have a second chance.

    The Senate has passed a bill to repeal the service tax.  The House has begun to discuss the measure.  The House Republicans have identified the places to cut the budget to account for the revenue from the service tax.  We have a chance to take back some of what was lost.

    Now, what is needed, is for the Citizens of this great state to speak.  The Governor and the Democrats won't listen to the House Republicans.  Nor to Saul, or even to bloggers.  We need more.


    This link has the phone numbers and emails for EVERY member of the state House.  Call them. Email them.  And get everyone you know to do that same.  And everyone that they know......Your facebook friends, business associates, church friends, the guy who walks his dog by your house,....everyone.  Enough voices that even those in the ivory towers can't ignore.

    Tell them that they need to repeal the tax on services.  That they should NOT add additional fees to the Michigan Business Tax, but instead, should cut spending.  Tell them that it is time for some fiscal responsibility from those we have entrusted with the money we give up in taxes.

    And one more thing.  When it comes down to the vote...when they schedule the long weekend to make a big show.....we need to be there.  En masse.  This time, we need to line the streets of the capital with people who are not going to get taxed into oblivion.   Lansing is not so far away.  We need to take back our government from those who would run us into the ground.  But we need to act.

    "The only thing needed for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing."

    < OL Author Files Campaign Finance Complaint Against Stryker Forces | Dillon's Dems pass new 33% tax hike and violate the Constitution for good measure >

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