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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Don't Be Fooled

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Thu Jan 02, 2014 at 10:26:26 AM EST
    Tags: MSFA, Main Street Fairness Act, Theft, Compliance, Regulatory Nightmares, Illegal Compacts, Constitution, Taxation Without Representation, Sales Tax (all tags)

    "Fairness" is an inappropriate word.

    Why are we as taxpayers paying dues for this organization?

    Its sole purpose is to find a way to extract more money from people who buy things under the guise of "Fairness." Formed in 2000, its "about us" page says:

    "The goal of this effort is to find solutions for the complexity in state sales tax systems that resulted in the U.S. Supreme Court holding (Bellas Hess v. Illionis and Quill Corp. v. North Dakota) that a state may not require a seller that does not have a physical presence in the state to collect tax on sales into the state"
    And it has since organized members from several states to that end.

    First, I should point out that compliance will NEVER be as simple as whatever their ultimate outcome is touted to be.  The burden on small business increases yearly with nearly every law passed by our state legislators, and especially so with the efforts of the US congress and administration.  Unable to absorb new duties/responsibilities as designated by all the elected busy bodies without significant time for compliance measures WILL destroy small business in America; resulting in higher unemployment, and deepening resentment for overreaching government.

    For a little deeper look into this issue, and about the organization above go to Grass Roots In Michigan. At one point she mentions that:

    "SSUTA moves towards taxation without representation in two ways. First, state lawmakers' authority regarding significant portions of state tax codes is given to an outside entity, moving representation further away from those states' citizens. Second, businesses outside of such states are subjected to taxation - not limited to, but including sales / use tax -  but have no representation in those states' governments."
    THIS, I can tell you is a nightmare scenario for an internet retailer.

    Keep your ears to the ground on the "Main Street Fairness act" and fight it when you see it.

    (3 comments) Comments >>

    Coming Up Roses

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Wed Jan 01, 2014 at 10:58:56 PM EST
    Tags: Michigan State, Spartans, Rose Bowl (all tags)

    As fun a game as they come.

    Incredible defense closing the deal in Pasadena.

    Congratulations Michigan State University Spartans!

    (2 comments) Comments >>

    A Message To Our Legislators - Beware False Choices

    Happy New Year 2014

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Wed Jan 01, 2014 at 12:07:57 AM EST
    Tags: New Year, 2014 (all tags)

    Happy New Year from RightMichigan.Com

    God Bless you all and best wishes for a prosperous 2014!

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    We Knew

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Tue Dec 31, 2013 at 11:55:17 PM EST
    Tags: Electric Power, Utilities, Monopolies, Cronyism, Granholm, Michigan HB5184, Mike Shirkey, Competition (all tags)

    And so did the legislators who signed on to it.

    We knew the costs that "green energy" programming in Michigan would incur on the taxpayers left in the state.  The utilities knew this as well, and wasted no efforts in having such draconian reversals of free markets passed with the likes of HB 5524 (2007):

    "Passed 78 to 29 in the House on September 18, 2008, to adopt a compromise version of the bill reported by a House-Senate conference committee. This would mostly end the state's electric competition law that allows customers to choose an alternative provider; allow the utilities to impose surcharges on customers so they can recoup the "costs" incurred from Michigan's experiment with competitive electricity markets; and phase out over five years the current cross-subsidization of residential customers by commercial and industrial ones. The bill would guaranty DTE and Consumers Power at least 90 percent of the utility business in the areas they serve, even if other providers offer lower prices. The bill is tie-bared to Senate Bill 213, which imposes "renewable" energy mandates on utilities. "
    Oh yeah, the tie bar?

    SB 213 was a doozy, with each chamber ratcheting up the mandate for renewable energy produced each time it was reconciled:

    "Introduced by Sen. Patricia Birkholz (R) on February 20, 2007, to mandate that electric utilities acquire at least 4 percent of their power from "renewable" sources, growing to at least 8 percent by 2013. .. to mandate that electric utilities acquire at least 7 percent of their power from "renewable" and "clean" sources (including "carbon capture" coal plants) by 2015 .. to mandate that Michigan electric utilities acquire 10 percent of their power from "renewable" sources by the end of 2015. .."

    And as long as the power monopoly remained, it was no problem for the major utilities in Michigan.  They get 90% of the market GUARANTEED by legislation, and the ratepayer gets the shaft through piss poor legislation and cronyism.

    One legislator is bringing some attention back to this.

    Continued below

    (4 comments, 674 words in story) Full Story

    No Anchovies Please

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Mon Dec 30, 2013 at 01:26:57 PM EST
    Tags: Newcandescent, Incandescent Bulbs, Banning The Light Bulb, Fred Upton, Jan 1, Bad Law, Fools, Elections Have Consequences (all tags)

    A new light at the end of the tunnel?

    New federal standards as a result of Fred Upton's foray into progressive design have resulted in the loss of American light bulb producing Jobs, and the end of the traditional incandescent bulb as we know it.  As seen with the reelection of Obama, as well as Upton, I guess Interference in the course of an individual's personal choices is just the way government operates, so we just sit back and reelect the smug jerks bent on schtupping us and laughing about it.

    Of course, American ingenuity is tested on a regular basis by those who every day face the effect of government 'Upton' types, and markets will find a way to offer similar goods.  Its usually smarter than the elected class and can find its way out of some insane bureaucratic mazes. In this case it is in the form of "rough service" MADE-IN-USA incandescent bulbs that we will sell on a test basis in our retail store in Traverse City.

    Warm light from a real incandescent bulb is the way to go.  And they taste better anyhow.

    Pass the Windex.

    (3 comments) Comments >>

    Sunday Divertere - If I Were The Devil

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Sun Dec 29, 2013 at 06:27:49 PM EST
    Tags: Paul Harvey, Morality, God (all tags)

    Flashback to several decades ago.

    Paul Harvey, one of the greatest commentators and radio personalities ever, nailed it down.

    Comments >>

    Pensions & Fiscal Child Abuse

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Fri Dec 27, 2013 at 10:14:13 AM EST
    Tags: Damocles Sword, Debt, Pensions, POB, Obligation Bonds, Chris Radu, Mike Gillman, Traverse City, Grand Traverse County, Deficits, Shortfalls, Fiscal Child Abuse, Government, Arbitrage, ROI, SB1129 (all tags)

    "Live now, pay later," might have easily supplanted the national motto of "E Pluribus Unum," instead of its supposed replacement, "In God we trust."

    Aside from the obvious reference to unearned hedonism and individual irresponsibility, it should be noted that governments derived from such careless individuals as the "live now" crowd can bring all of us even closer to being debt slaves.  Yet even without the notion of pleasure as an advance reward to leadership, the function of government runs unabated. One might find it differently in private enterprise however, according to Jack Spencer at Cap Con:

    "In the private sector, businesses can't ignore economic reality by giving in to unrealistic union demands. They open their books and say, "look, we've had a lousy couple of years. We have to cut back or go under. We can't give you what you want." That reality check doesn't apply to government, which is always bargaining with other people's money. Those "other people" are us, the taxpayers. Over the decades, when faced with unpopular choices of cutting services or raising taxes, government officials have given unions most of what they asked for and left the tab to be picked up by future generations."

    In a nutshell, that is it.

    I've been there.  In fact, I have been in both places simultaneously.  At the business owned by my wife and I, folks haven't received raises in three years, yet as a county commissioner in 2012 I was present while union employees received automatic 1.5% increases. It made no sense to me that it should be so easy for a nearly unanimous Republican board to approve of such a thing, but over the years we have discovered that fiscal insanity is a scourge that has set upon both Capulet AND House Montague.

    And it is generational too.  So much so, that entire infrastructures are collapsing from the weight that has long had its supports removed.  Pensions as a part of governmental financial negligence as referenced in the Cap Con piece above are responsible for cities literally falling apart, and legitimate public safety services being eliminated.

    So what have we done to solve this?

    Go below the fold to find out how we can actually make bad stuff, worse.

    (3 comments, 2223 words in story) Full Story

    Twelve Days of ObamaCare

    By Kevin Rex Heine, Section News
    Posted on Wed Dec 25, 2013 at 11:17:17 PM EST
    Tags: ObamaCare, Twelve Parts Delaying, Online Hackers Stealing, Lots Of Paychecks Shrinking, All The Unions Begging, Coverage A' Dropping, Businesses-A-Closing, Six-In-Ten Disapprovin, Five Million Cancelled Plans, Four-Oh-Four Errors, Fewer Physicians, Two Times The Cost, A Nightmare For My Family (all tags)

    The twelve days of Christmas run, traditionally, from Christmas Day to Epiphany Eve (January 5th), providing Christians with the opportunity to focus their worship and study on the birth of the Christchild and the salvation he came to win for us.  The twelve days of ObamaCare?  Not so much.

    The Republican National Committee's Research Department released a twelve-part series on the overall damage that our president's "signature achievement" has done, and continues to do, to the domestic economy.  Not by coincidence, the research pieces were timed to release one per day during the run-up to the president leaving for his Christmas holiday on December 20th.  An executive summary, with links to each of the research articles, follows the break.

    (2 comments, 1184 words in story) Full Story

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