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      Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

      Raise the curtain.

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      A few thoughts . . . (none / 0) (#2)
      by Kevin Rex Heine on Sat Sep 28, 2013 at 12:40:26 AM EST
      . . . on this:

      • I'm more than a little amused that the attack-by-surrogate / attack-by-sock-puppet mudslinging is already starting.  I've been a delegate to every single MIGOP state convention since the Winter 2009 event, and I can't recall the shenanigans ever starting this early (11 months out . . . seriously).  Somebody's a lot more nervous than they're letting on publicly.  (And they're not shy about admitting that they view Calley as vulnerable, though they never discuss degree of vulnerability.)

      • I've had cause to chat with several tea party leaders this past month (including a few that I don't normally talk to).  More than one of them recalled to me watching the "nerd herd" systematically buy up blocs of tables not only at the 2009 Mackinac Conference, but at every Lincoln Dinner and Reagan Cookout between then and the 2010 primary election.  Of course, the tables would then be filled by college kids and other operatives -- openly if subtly sporting "Rick Michigan" campaign colors -- who were paid to participate participated in the straw polls that were invariably conducted, with predictable results.  Of course, the drive-by media would dutifully report that yet another republican straw poll had been won by the "One Tough Nerd," cumulatively creating the impression that Mr. 36% had more party base support than was actually so.

      • Now keep in mind that the political scoundrel who was running the pay-to-play straw poll is one of the same clowns who was publicly attacking the iCaucus Michigan survey as being unreliable and irrelevant.  As though a thinly-disguised card check operation, that required the participants to pony up a One Benjamin poll tax to the party's coffers in order to register their opinion, should be viewed as being thoroughly aboveboard.  Evidently, rank hypocrisy is the current modus operandi of the state party's consulting class network.  Bob King could learn a thing or two from Mr. Sandler.

      Combined with the 2-1/2 pages of memory jogger bullet points that I jotted down over Sunday breakfast last weekend, I'm starting to pull together one helluva intel briefing.

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