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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Give me something better to work with (none / 0) (#4)
    by Republican Michigander on Tue Feb 05, 2013 at 12:23:51 PM EST
    I think Schostak's learning. One of the big things I noticed was a change after some of the broken promises that came out of Boston. The old tradition at state party was to always defer to the ticket leading nominee on all issues. That's not always a good policy and I think that may change some in a way only experience does.

    I did the books for the Konetchy campaign. When I saw two of the three major names backing Courser, I cringed. It was from that coronation attempt for Gary Glenn. Nothing personal against Glenn, but some of his top backers I wouldn't support for anything after the tactics I saw (and I'm not referring to the petition challenge). It reminded me of the Romney campaign in the primary.

    As for Courser himself, I backed him for State Board of education. I thought he would do a great job there. Unfortunately, he didn't win. He also hasn't won his other races in Lapeer County. He said he was "very active" in Lapeer County GOP, but in what capacity? What's his track record at running the show?

    With Schostak, I have his two years as fundraising for Weiser and his two years as chair. I'd seen good and I've seen areas to improve. I also have seen adjustments when needed. When Romney didn't come through with the signs, Schostak adjusted and took some heat for buying them. Voter list issues are trouble, and Schostak's doing due diligence on fixing that.

    I'm standing by my endorsement.


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