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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Nose also firmly clenched (5.00 / 1) (#3)
    by Rougman on Mon Sep 03, 2012 at 10:59:17 PM EST
    I'm disgusted by developments too.  We are sitting on the precipice of total economic collapse just on the basis of our understood national debt (some $16,000,000,000,000.00 worth) without even considering the perhaps $100,000,000,000,000.00 worth of unfunded obligations our political overlords have tossed to the shoulders of our children and grandchildren.  Not to worry though, when inflation takes off those dollars won't be nearly as expensive to replace, so there is that.  

    Too many of our political leaders from both parties are so blinded by the machinations of DC that they don't even recognize them beyond a desire to get elected.  We long ago stopped being ruled by citizen legislators and began being ruled by establishment career government insiders.

    I'll vote for Hoekstra, right along side you KG One, with my nose clenched.  But Hoekstra better understand that my vote does not come with a mandate for the same sorts of spending maneuvers and politics as usual that he was comfortable with during those many terms he already served in the swamp.  

    And yet, my vote can only be registered in binary--it is a simple 0 or 1, a yes or no.  I don't want to simply say "yes" to Hoekstra, I want to say "I'm going to give you a chance in the Senate primarily because you are not Debbie Stabenow, and despite the fact you've been a major disappointment to me in the past.  I'm going to be watching you like a hawk."  Can I enter that in the write-in section?

    It is a big slice of delicious irony that my vote has been earned by Hoekstra because Hoekstra and company allowed us to be towed to the precipice.  He (they) has been complicit in getting us where we are and now we are obligated to vote for him (them) because he (they) has miraculously transformed himself into the only one deemed worthy of our trust to save us from the Alaska-sized doom he couldn't make out from the lookout of the Exxon Valdez.  That is not so confidence inspiring.

    Hoekstra is the clear choice this election cycle (that is, he became so once every one of his better challengers were defeated by establishment party support) but he is not in any way a bridge to our economic salvation.  He will provide an anti-Obamacare vote, his victory will be integral in returning the Senate to establishment Republican hands, and even his hair looks more natural than Stabenow's.

    Sadly, he is still a GOPer who believes that a large government that is steered by benevolent political thinkers (and powered by taxed, printed and borrowed money) will provide the best solutions to Americans' every day problems--a portrait that mirrors our presidential election contest.  Romney better than Obama?  Geez, a thousand times yes!  Romney, the best conservative political candidate available to the GOP at the start of this election cycle?  Oh God, not even close.  Hoekstra is as interchangeable with Romney in this tirade as Stabenow is with our current Emperor-Messiah.  

    This is why I will hold my nose when casting several votes this November.  Anyone who isn't holding his nose doesn't realize what he is  stepping in.  



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