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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Think it's not? Then perhaps you... (5.00 / 1) (#4)
    by Corinthian Scales on Thu Aug 16, 2012 at 10:42:33 PM EST
    ...can 'splain better wtf was going on in CD-11 under buck passing, bored housewife do-nothing Terri.

    A review of the nominating petitions turned in for McCotter's elections from 2002 through 2012 shows he did not have enough signatures to qualify to run in at least the 2008, 2010 and 2012 elections. The skullduggery wasn't detected until this year, when a part-time staffer  for the Secretary of State found that of the more than 1,800 signatures turned in by the McCotter campaign for 2012, only 244 were valid.

    McCotter's spokesman, Randall Thompson, did not return calls seeking comment on the latest revelations in the scandal that led to McCotter's resignation from Congress in July.

    Perhaps then, when you're done explaining that, you could further enlighten us as to why the AG is letting an OCRP Precinct Delegate slide from prosecution.  See bottom of page 8 & top of 9.

    33. Turnbull conspired with citizen Douglas Bauss, who was not a member of the McCotter congressional staff, to commit a legal act in an illegal manner. Petition #60, which contains facially valid voter nominating signatures, was actually circulated by either Defendant Turnbull or some other as yet unknown person. But no matter who actually circulated it, the petition came into Turnbull's possession at a time when it did not have the of the circulator on it. Recognizing that these nominating signatures would not be counted without the signature of the circulator, Turnbull conspired and agreed with Douglas Bauss to have him sign as the circulator, even though he did not in fact circulate the petition.

    Rather than accomplish the legal act of having these voter signatures counted toward the number need for nomination by the lawful manner of having it signed by the real circulator, they fraudulently conspired and agreed to have Bauss sign as the circulator, fully aware that he was not in fact the circulator. They conspired and agreed to commit the legal act of having apparently valid voter signatures submitted to the Bureau of Elections; by the illegal manner of having someone who did not actually circulate them sign them as the circulator.

    34. Turnbull aided and abetted Douglas Bauss when he falsely signed Petition #60 as the circulator. Petition #60, which contains facially valid voter nomination signatures, was actually circulated by someone other than Douglas Bauss. Even though it was not true, Douglas Bauss signed the petition and certified that the voters who signed it did so in his presence. Turnbull aided and abetted this act by giving Bauss the petition and having him sign it, fully aware that he was not the circulator.

    The acts herein described as to Don Yowchuang, Paul Seewald and Lorianne O'Brady occurred at the McCotter Congressional District Office in Livonia, on or about May 14, 2012. The acts described as to Mary Melissa Turnbull and David Bauss occurred at the Republican Oakland County Convention in Troy, on or about May 3, 2012.

    Douglas "citizen" Bauss is not just a consequential player in McQuittergate or Oakland Co politics in Novi, Precinct 4 (bottom page 21), and has been there at Precinct 4 for damn well over a decade.  This year?  Magically, Doug goes away only to be replaced by .. David Staudt (page 18).

    Write-in Nansee's hubby Victor
    has been there as pct del's with Bauss too, if one is paying any attention.

    The article states that Cassis has kept the purchase of the land under-wraps until a few weeks ago when he announced he would be stepping down from the Novi Planning Commission, which he served on for 10 years, in order to focus on the development.

    Cassis told the Novi News that he hopes to present the plans to the City Council within a year and have the area developed within five years.

    Not sayin' just sayin'


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