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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Avoiding a Conservative vetting? Didn't see that.. (none / 0) (#13)
    by Corinthian Scales on Thu Jul 19, 2012 at 09:31:31 AM EST
    ...coming from the guy that organized his gang of fifth column Pale Pastel (now sans McQuitter) commissioned with its only task of squashing the Conservative movement while uniting with other Progressives in the Democratic Party.

    The November 1994 mid-term elections were commonly referred to as the "Republican Revolution." Given the great gains made by Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives and the Senate, a group of House Republicans began informal meetings to discuss ways to further a centrist, pragmatic Republican agenda -- one that could accommodate bipartisan legislative results. The discussion group began to craft a centrist Republican agenda focused on the critical fiscal issues of the day.

    What began as a congressional discussion group started by Reps. Nancy Johnson, Steve Gunderson and Fred Upton has evolved into a national gathering of leaders from government, business and education who share a commitment to conservative, pragmatic approaches to business in a global context; to compassion in our communities and character in our national leaders.

    Why hell, 'ol Fred Upton had to be beaming with joy yesterday with his clubhouse buddy John McCain advancing the Progressive football down the field for the heir to the caliphate in Marxist Hillary's closet.

    Commenter Pasadena Phil said it best:

    That is why it would take 101 Republicans to have a working majority in the Senate. I don't know who is dumber, McCain, Biden, or Kerry.

    Indeed.  However, when looking at Fred Upton's quarter century promoting his RINO clan in DC, the real dumb is the voters in CD-6.

    They do have a chance to redeem themselves though.


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