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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    It's hard to follow what you're saying (none / 0) (#22)
    by InksLWC on Fri Mar 09, 2012 at 08:46:17 PM EST
    Because your English is terrible.

    Example 1 (run-on sentence): So, in your world it is far more reasonable to destroy the finest healthcare system in the world using the Democratic Party concept to save us from "the poor" and in alleged attempt to prevent ne'er-do-wells from gaming the system with snaring a scapegoat minuscule number of legal citizens is somewhat a justifiable means to that end for reasons of cost control.

    Example 2 (fragment): Didn't write that you defended Obamneycare.

    Example 3 (fragment): Didn't even suggest that you would compromise on it repealing it.

    Example 4 (run-on sentence, and incorrect use of a conjunction): And I'm not talking about bullsh!t Progressive Bloomberg mentality expenditures like PURE Michigan FIT (whatever the hell that is) or invasive nanny state children BMI reporting as unsubstantiated "cost reduction" measures promoted by the Snynerd Ann Arbor Eloi elite.

    Example 5 (I don't even know how to classify this one.  It's clearly a run-on sentence, but the words "necessity" and "fade" don't make sense.): It is my priority to spend $345/month for healthcare insurance as necessity before looking to the latest fade or electronic gimmickry to squander a global wealth redistributing shrinking disposable income on frivolity and it p!sses me off that I'm subsidizing illegal aliens emergency room visits and paying for their damn anchor baby deliveries.

    Example 6 (fragment): Morally and/or ethically bankrupt unwed White trash adding another to their Medicaid subsidized brood.

    Example 7 (capitalization nightmare): It's what keeps both Party's Progressive Big Government ruling class elected to their federal, state and local Offices.

    Example 8 (unclear pronoun and "politicians" and "constituents" should have apostrophes): It's all learned behavior through the advent of "safety nets" that have transcend into a politicians entitlement capital for expediency of their constituents votes with the elected class creation of taxpayer funded government hammocks.

    I could go on, but I think I've made my point.

    It's not so much that things have to be explained to me; it's that your quality of writing is so poor that it becomes hard to follow what you are saying.


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