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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    ok (none / 0) (#35)
    by Tom McMillin on Mon Feb 20, 2012 at 01:39:35 PM EST
    ok...glad you're on the good side - yeah, some of the discussion on this initial post ticked me off and i may have come down a little hard.  sorry.  just used to being attacked from the left when advocating for 10th amendment rights and ways to cut regulations.

    just fyi - the school bus legislation was just a justice thing for me -- the sheriff's dept informed me that the driver that hit two kids in my district when he/she drove around a bus with flashing lights and hit the kids, could only get 3 points on the driving record and a $300 fine...hence the new law.  apparently its not "reckless driving" or anything like that -- its just a law that, in my opinion, didn't have a correct penalty associated with it.

    and i wasn't saying taxes were necessarily cut (though they were :))...i was merely stating that there seems to be a number of folks on this site who would criticize a tax cut, if in fact all of a certain tax wasn't eliminated.  
    that analogy is to the Compact...that though we aren't removing the gov't totally from healthcare, that doing something better than it is now is somehow bad - envoking the 10th Amendment and bringing the spending and the decisions to have more freedom in that spending (and non-gov't spending) to the states.
    i see it as clearly making the situation better and perhaps giving a blueprint for getting other areas of spending and regulation out of DC and closer to those impacted (and therefore able to make better decisions about the regulatory, or non-regulatory, environment desired).
    i don't in anyway feel like a martyr, but the case of getting attacked for advocating the benefits of the 10th amendment and getting spending and regulations away from washington...i do feel misunderstood.


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