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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Look fag, the Nerdpublicans ignored $5 billion... (3.00 / 2) (#7)
    by Corinthian Scales on Thu Oct 18, 2012 at 07:48:42 AM EST
    ...of public sector waste in the bloated budget while raiding pensions, diminishing Homestead Tax Credit, raising the Income Tax, and have done nothing but shift burdens onto the individual/consumer while allowing this state to suffer the consequence of prevailing wage, and union labor all in the backscratching favor of their crony corporate buddies.

    Proposal 5 is arguably the most straightforward of all the proposals on the Nov. 6 ballot.

    A "yes" vote would mandate that any vote to raise state taxes in Michigan be approved with a two-thirds vote of the Legislature. This "supermajority" mandate is commonly known as a Tax Limitation Amendment and some 17 states have them.

    The idea behind Tax Limitation Amendment is to make it more difficult for the political class to pilfer the pockets of taxpayers. Research - most notably by scholar Mancur Olson - has shown time and again that in democratic nations the wishes of an electorate are often ignored by narrow special interests that seek costly "favors" from the government. Politicians all too frequently accommodate those favors (be they subsidies or tariffs or spending hikes or other items) in part because their contributors and powerful constituents support them. Hiking taxes is also often a path of least resistance.


    No kidding.  So, f*ck off with your campuscrat indoctrinated bullsh!t, twInks.  You're no more than one of the assh*les running around in the Big Tent that sounds exactly like this Pandoras box opening assh*le that lost the House (Hastert), and the Senate (Frist), to the Democrats who ran as fiscal conservatives in '06.

    "Practical, and necessary".  Smashing success, Dubya.


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