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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    The lady's been in the sun too long (none / 0) (#14)
    by Corinthian Scales on Tue Jan 31, 2012 at 06:30:02 PM EST

    So, if we assume the worst that's said about Romney: he's a moderate and he just wants to be reelected. Well, if we send Romney to Washington with a conservative House and Senate, he will have to play along if he wants a second term as President.

    When did the equation on offering welfare only creates dependency leeches change?  RINO only begets more RINO's, or more RINOesque behavior.  One in Michigan only needs to look towards Lansing for that.  Those behind Willard should've been her first clue.  On top of that, she's full of crap about Romney's "Charlie Crist" problem.

    In December, the Miami Herald reported that "Charlie Crist's Marco Rubio-bashing team" was heading up the Romney campaign. The story described the Crist tactics that Stevens helped devise against Rubio as "Call him a crook and a hypocrite."

    This playbook seems to have been dusted off for implementation.

    Gee, and what has Willard's slime machine been doing to a tee in Fla?  That "Crist problem" was not started by Newt as your linked blogger asserts here:

    There are a lot of distortions and misrepresentations flying around about all the candidates (like the complete load of bat guano that Gingrich tossed out regarding non-existent Crist connections to Romney), but there are a few specifically regarding Romney that ought to be reexamined.

    Fact is that Willard's slime machine that attacked Rubio is most likely the reason that Rubio stayed away from Willard as much as possible in Florida.

    Beyond that, I really couldn't stomach reading much more of her nonsense.

    Besides, already been through all the split blogger flapdooddle over at Surber's yesterday.

    Thanks anyway, Bruce.


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