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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    All of blding 50 is a prime example don't u think? (none / 0) (#4)
    by maidintheus on Fri Sep 30, 2011 at 06:28:50 PM EST
    The exterior walls have no insulation. None. The blding units have air and heating. The historical society was able to require that no screens be allowed on the windows because there weren't any originally. The residence will be using a lot of the heat and air conditioning installed in all 39 units. Yeah, all that plumbing/air/heating AND MICROWAVES/dishwashers are things you'd have found in the blding historically!

    Abate asbestos and lead...how much did that cost? Btw, that took longer than the time it took to remodel/refurbish.

    People worked in the blding who couldn't understand English. The electricians severed a gas pipe and people in the blding were warned to stay in the blding. Some who didn't understand went outside and lit up cigarettes. Oh well (snark), it's not like it was in a park. These same people continually urinated into the bath tubs! Aren't you glad there are those who will do the jobs that Americas won't?

    It would obviously have been far less costly to build something from scratch for the no income people. It would be far less costly for using, with it's lack of insulation and ALL of the 12' ceilings. Yes, lovely, 12 foot ceilings.

    How many so called tax payers (or some law makers) even know about these things?

    We hear about these things, often after the fact. Why can't these people/agencies/whomever be held responsible anyway? Isn't it a dereliction of duty to allow taxes to be spent without proper accountable?

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