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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Nothing could be more timely than... (none / 0) (#6)
    by Corinthian Scales on Fri Sep 02, 2011 at 12:33:35 PM EST

    Conservatives yearn for a big, clarifying electoral victory in November of 2012, but they're already winning decisively whenever Americans vote with their feet--or their moving vans.

    New Census numbers show citizens fleeing by the millions from liberal states and flocking in comparable numbers to bastions of rightwing sentiment. Call it the Great Political Migration.

    Between 2009 and 2010 the five biggest losers in terms of "residents lost to other states" were all prominent redoubts of progressivism: California, New York, Illinois, Michigan and New Jersey.

    Yep.  And Snyder's Nerdcentric 'Too Divisive' Jon Huntsman / Willy Milquetoast / Joe Schwarz Democrat loving agenda hasn't ebbed the flow out of this state either.  (Surprised the Joe Schwarz video has been removed?  I'm not.  Nor should anyone else.)

    January 2011
    labor force: 4741789
    employment: 4233619
    unemployment: 508170 = 10.7

    July 2011 (P)
    labor force: 4700683 = -47,106 or -.86%
    employment: 4189319 = -44,300 or -1.04%
    unemployment: 511364 = 10.9 or +.62%

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