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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    "turd wranglers on the left"?!?! (none / 0) (#9)
    by Corinthian Scales on Wed Aug 03, 2011 at 02:14:23 PM EST
    Well, how do you think the Nerd got into Office if wasn't for the Left?  Riddle me that, J-man.

    Frankly, the only substantive place that Dennis Moore is f#@%ing up is by not taking over the figurative spear to shove up Rick MillikeNerds milquetoast liberal Ann Arbor ass.  Also, quite frankly, those on the Right seem to be too gottdamned fearful to do so.

    Maybe Snyder will not want to be Guv in 2014.

    Oh, brother... a reminder of the ego we're talking about?

    Snyder used to tell friends that his plan was to be elected governor or a U.S. senator by the time he was 50. His entry into public life was less auspicious; Republican Gov. John Engler named him the first head of the Michigan Economic Development Corporation in 1999...

    In July 2009, to little acclaim, Snyder announced his candidacy for governor on the grounds of the state Capitol. He was 51, a year behind schedule. His work as a venture capitalist and on various civic boards had gone unnoticed by the vast majority of voters...

    Snyder, a shaky campaigner at first, ducked debates and refused to respond to interest group questionnaires. He put $5.9 million of his own money into his campaign, enabling him to dominate television advertising.

    Mmmmnnnnnya, keep dreamin' J-man...


    Between seeing my tax dollars litterally attacking (none / 0) (#10)
    by KG One on Wed Aug 03, 2011 at 02:32:15 PM EST
    ...a Michigan businessman (and Michigan job provider on top of that), and the Mi-GOP having to front some coin to save the guv's behind, the choice here is plainly obvious. So should it be for anyone who considers themselves fiscally conservative.

    I'm not sure what the current status of the Willow Run petition is, but trust me on this one; I have a number of e-mail address & phone numbers from people circulating the current petition. Mr. Maroun's main office is down the street from my house (Given what's his company has shelled out so far fighting Lansing, I don't see that $1,000,000 being very much of a problem).

    If the guv insists on flushing my tax dollars down the toilet pursuing the NITC, I have no problem focusing my efforts getting those parties in contact with one another. If all those sides  work together, surviving a recall will be more of a pressing issue to the guv than his '14 re-election.


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