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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Another great post, but remember... (none / 0) (#2)
    by KG One on Thu Jul 14, 2011 at 10:43:51 PM EST
    ...republicans are just as guilty on almost every example that you have cited as Pres. B.O.

    Universal Health Care? Just who submitted a bill to have those of us with health care pay for those without?

    Cap & <strike>tax</strike> trade?

    Who made suggestions to the 2007 law that got that ball rolling?

    Who actually signed it into law?

    Illegal aliens? Which party can't get their act together on that issue?

    Stimulus & bailouts? Here's a hint: It isn't only Pres. B.O. who is using my money to bailout bad management at car companies and banks.

    Raising taxes?


    I'm not kidding (This one and that utility tax republicans signed off on were a really, really bad laws).

    C'mon on now!

    Gov. Snyder bamboozled Michigan republicans to focus only on the one side of the equation to get the economy going, and that's the business end.

    Just so there's no misunderstanding, there's nothing wrong with that part, but when you do ONLY that, you are focusing on one half of the equation (supply) while simultaneously ignoring the other half (demand).

    I may not have been the best student in Econ 101, but I do know that one cannot exist without the other. Taking away the means to pay for those goods and services by jacking up taxes isn't helping out in the least by a party that is too afraid to make the necessary cuts to balance the budget.

    Pres. B.O. needs to be standing in the unemployment line in January 2013. But when the "other" party does it best to eradicate any difference, what choice are you really giving voters?

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