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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Well, lookee here . . . (none / 0) (#39)
    by Kevin Rex Heine on Thu Jul 07, 2011 at 02:03:51 PM EST
    . . . y'all.  Michael Reagan (son of the late Ronald Reagan) blasted Huntsman as being more of the Rockefeller mold than the Reagan mold:

    In announcing his candidacy with the Statue of Liberty in the background, Ambassador Huntsman attempted to associate himself with my late father, President Reagan. It was embarrassing to watch him channel-up my father's 1981 speech and associate himself with it. As Simon or Randy on "American Idol" might say, if you're going to sing the song of an icon you had better be as good or better that that icon. In making his announcement he was neither. Jon Huntsman was, instead, the great non-communicator.

    To win the GOP nomination a candidate must be able to demonstrate how he has helped the party, has raised considerable amounts of money for it, and has helped Republican candidates win elections over the past two years. Huntsman has done none of that. As a matter of fact it has recently been revealed that his family most recently financially supported none other than Democrat Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.

    Conservatives have long suspected that there exists a GOP establishment, once known as the "Rockefeller wing," that manipulates the party behind the scenes, putting forth so-called "moderate" candidates for office, providing campaign financing for them and arranging media support for their candidacies.

    If that is the case, Jon Huntsman is their boy.

    He should never have put his hat the ring, at least this time around. Perhaps he should think about 2020. Maybe then he will be ready for prime time and learned that moderation is not the path to success in the GOP.

    Governor Huntsman, Ronald Reagan was my father; I knew Ronald Reagan, and you are not even close to being anything like Ronald Reagan. By saying this, I know I may have violated my dad's 11th Commandment, but I'm sure he'll forgive me.

    That there is primary ammunition, y'all.


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