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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Thad McCotter . . . (none / 0) (#25)
    by Kevin Rex Heine on Fri Jul 01, 2011 at 07:09:25 AM EST
    . . . is all but officially in.

    According to Politico:

    Thaddeus McCotter will file paperwork on Friday [July 1st] to become the eighth Republican candidate for president, a McCotter adviser told POLITICO.

    (Must be some non-mathematical types doing the reporting, as we clearly now have 16 candidates in this field.  Even eliminating the ones that aren't credible only takes the field down to 10.)

    His presidential campaign website will go live around noon [today], allowing the four-term Michigan congressman to kick off his long-shot bid on the first day of the new fundraising quarter.

    Even before formally launching his presidential bid, McCotter has not shyed from firing shots at those already in the presidential race. When frontrunner Mitt Romney visited Michigan earlier this month, McCotter declared that "struggling families, entrepreneurs and workers can't afford policies that make Mr. Romney and Mr. Obama less than rivals, and more like running mates."

    In an interview with POLITICO last month, McCotter previewed some of the themes of a potential presidential run: "The challenge of globalization, the war for freedom against terrorists, the rise of Communist China and whether moral relativism erodes a nation built on self-evident truth."

    While I think that this is all very interesting, it doesn't change my opinion about who I think the republican nominee ought to be.  However, I guess that Mr. Gillman will have to expand the poll on this article by one slot.  (Alphabetically by last name, "Thad McCotter (Michigan)" should be slotted between Johnson and Paul.)

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