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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Well, this Saturday... (none / 0) (#5)
    by Corinthian Scales on Fri Feb 25, 2011 at 11:49:20 AM EST
    ...is gonna be a no-can-do.  But, I've been busy expressing my opinion to my congresscritters in the House, of which, has his head screwed on right (Atta boy, Peter!), and in the Senate, which also is doing the job he was sent to Lansing to do.  I wish that I had more time and resources to attend all these TEA Party gatherings but I don't.  Fortunately, from my exchanges with my representation in Lansing I am led to believe that they understand us private citizens have a Herculean task of physically competing against taxpayer subsidized public union worker protesters on the dole being coached in with their kickback union labor printed propaganda signs.  After all, if I've gotta be in Lansing every damned time to stand among the collective brotherhood children having teething pains just so my representation to stands firm, then its really not much of a form of representative government at all, which interestingly enough, was agreed.  Funny how even a phone call, an email and letters work isn't it.

    But, God bless all the determined TEA Partiers!  You truly are making massive inroads in righting this state and nation.  Thank you!

    An aside... I did have a giggle this morning reading the JOA News cover our Gov. Snyder in DC.

    Snyder, in his second month of elected office, said he hopes to work with Washington on items like making it easier for businesses to grow, worker training, housing issues and regulatory reform. One thing Snyder said he's not in Washington to do: ask for money.

    Though Michigan has lost 1 million jobs, "I'd like to work constructively with them, but I'd like to do in the context of not just asking for money," Snyder said.

    "Again, this idea of government just spending money is an idea I'm not a big fan of. I don't think that's the right approach to success."

    In fact, the governor sees Michigan -- and his budget plan, in particular -- as offering an example for federal leaders in the nation's capital.

    "A growing federal deficit doesn't help any of us," he said. "I believe the federal government should be looking at the budget and tax package we just rolled out as a role model. They should be looking at what we're doing."

    The governor said he wants leaders to eventually say, "Hey, look at Michigan. They've got their act together."

    Message to Gov. Snyder:

    Governor Snyder,

    May I call you Rick?  I can?  Thank you.  Rick, Your budget mirrors Obamas.  There are no substantive cuts in spending and new taxes have been created, pet project departments have been expanded, nor has any leadership been demonstrated with wildly out of control private sector organized labor.  With your proposed budget, I'm confident that TOTUS and FLOTUS will adore you.

    Oh, Rick, on more thing.  If memory serves me correctly, the last time you were in DC, you returned with some crazy scheme of building a bridge recoined the NITC using a Canuck loan and 'the Feds money' that somehow wouldn't cost Michigan taxpayers anything.  Please.  No more of your kinda favors from DC, Rick.  The newly hired legion of IRS agents are all too welcoming of your kinda favors.

    Yours truly,


    Honest to God, I do believe this state is where the term face meet palm came about.

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