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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    My advice (none / 0) (#5)
    by LookingforReagan on Thu Feb 24, 2011 at 05:35:19 PM EST
    To the lawmakers across the Fruited Plain is this. When in doubt look to Reagan. What would he do. Beyond that the Founders were pretty smart guys all in all no matter what the era they lived in. They had the answers then and now. Look to what they invisioned for America. Then remember two words.
    Give us the FREEDOM to create wealth with our own hands based on the ideas that move us. Let us have LIBERTY from the interference of the Marxist Apparacheks by realizing the idea that the FOUNDERS had of limited, very limited Government. Give us the FREEDOM to achieve without having to jump through dozens of hoops to arrive at a place that common sense dictated should have not taken so much red tape.
    The other thing is the Turd needs to get his ass out and tell us what his plan is. What he intends to do. Not in general terms but hard facts and points set for achievment. No more of this bullshitting around. He either gets it or he doesn't. If not then he is toast come 2014 or before. Enough said.

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