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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Mayday! Mayday! Mayday! (none / 0) (#8)
    by KG One on Sat Oct 22, 2011 at 04:23:28 PM EST
    "The two things that the democrats really wanted to insure is: one, it doesn't come at a cost to taxpayers, and two, the residents of the community are protected.

    Those were the two things that we were insisting on and were agreed yesterday with republican leadership."

    Not trying to be a buzzkill this afternoon, Jason. But you might want to re-examine that whole premise of there not being any Ficano-level shenanigans going on in either the Capitol Building or the Governor's office pertaining to this bridge bill.

    One, there aren't a whole lot of taxpayers left in Del Ray. There's really isn't a whole lot of anything to be totally honest. That area consists mainly of boarded up, burned out, bombed out homes that were at one time a nice neighborhood, now mixed in between abandoned industrial buildings.

    The locals also like to use the area for a dump. Without really trying, I can lead anyone to a dozen sites alone. I'm not talking one or two trash bags in the middle of a field or what's left of an alley, I'm talking about piles of trash at least 10-15 feet high of old furniture, car parts, building material, etc.

    So for Sens. Hunter, Whitmer and Smith to even imply otherwise is a flat-out lie right there.

    And exactly what do the very few residents left need protection from?

    The guv is trying to get a bridge built there, not a long-term nuclear storage facility.

    Nice try, with that argument.

    Without knowing more about exactly what was agreed to (besides what I've heard from the locals), the only reason I can think of why the republicans aren't calling out the democrats on this one is that their "agreement" contains some pretty damning expenditures that, if not very embarrassing to explain, would be the death knell to their political careers.


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