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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Yes, but isn't it strange that (none / 0) (#13)
    by LookingforReagan on Fri Jan 07, 2011 at 08:03:57 PM EST
    The Pelosi Reid Congress felt impelled to look into the legitimacy of John McCain's eligibillity to stand for election. McCain was born in the Panama Canal Zone to two American born parents. Yet there were those that questioned his legal standing to run for President. Though the lap dog media didn't cover this it was not known till a month after the election. I believe it was the committee chaired by the Conman himself. They were hot to investigage McCain but loath to give the same treatment to Dear Leader. I guess the fact that his father was a British subject was of less concern. Or that the law at that time conveyed citizenship through the father instead of his mother who was not 21 at the time as the law required for transfere of citizenship. Maybe if so many articles hadn't appeared in the foreign press with interviews by relatives of Obama's father and officials of the Kenyan government attesting to the fact that he was indeed born in Kenya maybe this would have all died away peacefully. There can be only two reasons to keep this issue to the forfront. One, Obama wants to keep this going so he can use the race card anytime he is questioned or two he doesn't have the birth certificate and can't produce proof of citizenship. Either way things will get cleared up in 2012 when he has to file papers in several of the states. Many have passed or have bills pending that require proof of being a natural born citizen before they can be allowed on the ballot for national office.

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