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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Well, stand in the middle of... (none / 0) (#2)
    by Corinthian Scales on Wed Jan 26, 2011 at 03:30:01 PM EST
    ...the road long enough, and ones bound to get run over.  Michigan once again, got what it voted for.  But, boy... this Snyder posting sure does take me back to October 2009.

    Anyway, as I see it, the only recourse that us voters have now is leaning on the state legislature.  Snyder is gonna do whatever Snyder wants to do.  He's made that clear in typical CEO fashion.  As it stands to date, if Snyder were a CEO in the automotive world, he's decided to face-lift his Edsel, keep the Pinto in production even though another burst into flames, tinker with gimmickry dashboards, and all the while ignoring Lemon Laws.

    Yah!  I'd say that's about what we have to date in a tidy auto paraphrased sentence.  But, then again, it's not like it wasn't expected with how Michigan Primary's work.  Maybe in the future there'll be a registration requirement.  It'd at least give the more Conservative think folks a fighting chance of weeding out for the General.

    In other fun, sumpin' from this came to mind too.

    Kevin:  How concerned are you about the statement from MDP Chairman, Mark Brewer, that about 80% of Gov. Snyder's address could have been delivered by a Democrat?

    Norm:  Mark Brewer's credibility is so low that I don't care what he says.  He's likely not telling the truth anyway, just blowing smoke.

    Oh?  Norm, for a lot of us in this state, we saw exactly what Brewer saw.

    In fact, and you're going to love this, right now I'm not sure that the UAW is going to be able to keep him in his position as the MDP Chair.  He's got a fight on his hands, because Jocelyn Benson is trying to leverage into that spot.  The question becomes which one of them is better for us, because Benson's just as guilty of being a fraudulent snake as Brewer is.  The way I see it, it's the snake we know or the snake we don't know.

    Didja ever here of glass houses, Norm?  The MI-GOP sure as hell isn't immune to any snake accusations when you look at assclowns like Nofs in bed with the MEA, Upton authoring legislation for CFL's and our new AG Schuette trying to kill power plants like the MoleRattler did.

    If anything, the MI-GOP's chosen son Snyder should make their collective Party ass pucker every day til November 2012.

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