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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    David Leyton: Jesse's Lawman of Michigan? (none / 0) (#4)
    by Corinthian Scales on Fri Sep 24, 2010 at 09:34:12 AM EST
    Im my post above is a direct quote from David Leyton's website: David's Plan of Action.  And if one follows the links in my previous comment we know that his "plan of action" is deceptive at best.

    DETROIT, Michigan -- Genesee County Prosecutor David S. Leyton has won two key endorsements in his bid to win the Democratic nomination for Michigan attorney general.

    The UAW and the AFL-CIO unions endorsed Leyton on Friday, he said.

    Leyton touted the endorsements as he campaigned today for the Democrats' endorsement at the Michigan Democratic Party convention at Cobo Center in Detroit.

    Well, in this mornings detnews.com Leyton's backers have decided to shakedown the private sector with Jesse Jacksons' Rainbow PUSH Coalition.

    United Auto Workers President Bob King and religious leaders say they plan to withdraw hundreds of millions of dollars from JP Morgan Chase accounts to protest the bank's refusal to agree to a two-year freeze on foreclosures in Michigan.

    King, farm union leader Baldemar Velazquez [FLOC] and two clerics will hold a conference today at the Central United Methodist Church in Detroit to announce their campaign against the New York-based bank.

    "Chase needs to help unemployed homeowners in Michigan," King said in a statement.

    Mr. King.  The banks were already forced to help homeowners in Michigan and the rest of the nation.

    The statement said King is prepared to withdraw all of the UAW's funds from the bank.

    "The words of Chase officials that they are willing to help the thousands who are living in undervalued homes and facing possible eviction is unconvincing in light of their refusal to seriously consider a moratorium on foreclosures," said Pastor Alexander Bullock with the Rainbow PUSH Coalition. King's involvement further underscores his promise that he would increase the social activism of the UAW, which has focused in recent years on preserving the hard-won gains of current and retired workers.

    Organizers are calling on people to close their Chase accounts and cancel Chase credit cards in a campaign that tries to tap into the popular frustration with big banks, which received federal aid during the financial crisis.

    Yes folks, the organized labor special interest juggernaut is a hungry beast.  It was just last year that $22 billion of our tax monies fed the UAW a majority ownership of Chrysler with a seat on the Board as part of their "turn around plan".  Now the UAW in partnership with shakedown extraordiniare Jesse Jackson, is going after a financial institution for two years of free homeownership.

    I can only begin to envision the outcome if the UAW's chosen candidate Leyton should happen to take control of the helm of Michigan's top Law post.

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