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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Riiight.. (none / 0) (#7)
    by jgillmanjr on Thu Sep 23, 2010 at 09:53:43 AM EST
    First, you're reading too much into that second to last paragraph.  When I used the word "luckily" it was in the context of the Delaware race only.  I would love nothing more than for the GOP to take the majority.  I was merely stating that it's lucky for us that Delaware didn't put us in jeopardy of losing the chance for that majority.

    You sure about that? Let's take a look again:
    Luckily, it does not appear that Republicans were going to take control of the Senate anyway, but if the Delaware race does end up costing them the majority, those who backed O'Donnell in the primary "on principle" will be responsible for allowing the Democrats to stay in control.

    Yeah, so is Delaware race putting us in jeopardy or not? Your column and your comment here contradict each other.

    In addition, there's absolutely no way to establish a Delaware only context from what you said.

    Second, I wholeheartedly endorse O'Donnell, and hope she wins; however, I am predicting that she won't, and that if we would have nominated Castle, he would have won.

    So, you claim that by being a RINO, Castle could pull enough votes to win, presumably because his leftist tendencies make the, well, leftists happy. Why would we want that?

    If it's a leftist state, then that's how the bones roll, but I'll be damned if we have some leftist in office with an R after his name making us look bad by voting for things like Crap and Trade.

    and he voted to repeal TARP

    What piece of legislation was there to repeal TARP that he voted on? I'm really curious so I can look at the voting record.


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