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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Very astute observation (none / 0) (#1)
    by RushLake on Sat Apr 10, 2010 at 06:09:09 AM EST
    made in the article about the UAW, they don't understand economics. The UAW, SEIU, and probably all the other unions don't care to understand economics. What they are best at are catchy slogans, sob stories told to their membership about put upon noble workers, snappy T shirts and jackets. These and other things are the sops they throw to the "noble workers". What the "workers" need desperately to understand, and they probably never will, is that they are bullets in the union nomenklatura guns. They are the faceless mass of soldiers like Stalin threw at the Germans in WWII, of no real consequence. What the union nomenklatura understands is that there is some mythical big pot of money someplace that their clients, big government, can steal and redistribute to the noble workers to keep them at just about subsistence level. Very docile and useful as needed. The unions could care less about the financial health and well being of any company.

    I heard yesterday that SEIU is not happy with the democraps in North Carolina so are mounting a third party effort to wrest control of the state. If the unions can't get what they want within the system, they'll creat an alternate system.  

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