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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    And this past Winter (5.00 / 1) (#1)
    by BruceB on Thu Apr 15, 2010 at 07:17:00 PM EST
    windmills froze still in Minnesota!  You can't get electricity from a frozen windmill.  

    I am not French but if France can get 85% of it's energy from safe nuclear power plants that is the way for America to go!  

    The following is a letter I sent to one of our Senators, Levin or Stabenow, in response to a letter from them concerning energy for America and Americans.  I am sincerely sorry I just can't remember which one as they are one and the same:  

    Dear Senator,

    Thank you for your response!  It is deeply appreciated.  

    I do have a concern over your reply as per "natural gas used to produce electricity" however.  

    America needs to reserve natural gas for transportation and home heating!  

    My firm belief is that nuclear power should be used to generate electricity almost exclusively.  As you know, France produces nearly 85% of it's electric power using nuclear power and France has done so using a type of nuclear recycling that has not been pursued in the US and that produces almost no "nuclear waste".  

    I did not and still do not support in any way the Porkulus Bill that was passed through the House and Senate by the Democrats.  However, if the Porkulus money would have been spent to construct Nuclear Power plants in America Americans would have gotten something of long-term value to America.  As an added bonus the proceeds from the energy sales could have been used to pay back the Porkulus loan to the Chinese and the other lenders.  Imagine if America would have used the Porkulus money to construct 60 Nuclear Power plants?  Energy independence would have been ours!  

    The House, Senate and the President still have the opportunity to build upwards of 38 Nuclear Power plants for electric generation using the $500 Billion still remaining in Porkulus if they can muster the will to really promote energy independence.  That choice starts with an actual desire for America to be energy independent.  

    Question:  Do Democrats really want energy independence for America and Americans?  

    Again, I thank you sincerely for your reply.  

    Bruce Barlond

    • The French by JGillman, 04/15/2010 07:43:13 PM EST (none / 0)

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