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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Misunderstanding on your part . . . (none / 0) (#5)
    by Kevin Rex Heine on Wed Mar 03, 2010 at 03:26:30 PM EST
    . . . a couple of them, in fact.

    First, "Independence Caucus" and "Independent Voter" aren't the same thing.  If I actually have to explain that difference to you then we've got bigger problems.

    Second, IC doesn't do its digging on candidates unless they are willing to submit to the vetting process.  (Or did you miss that detail?)

    I'm going to expect you to check out their site and do your own homework on this, but the group actually got its start in the 2008 campaign in the 3rd Congressional District of Utah.  In that campaign, they succeeded in un-seating a corrupted Republican incumbent in the primary and then beating an equally corrupt Democrat challenger.  The winner?  A fella by the name of Jason Chaffetz.  (Spare me the religion garbage; you're better than that.)

    At that time, IC wasn't big enough to handle more than that one congressional district.  However, they linked up with the nationwide tea party movement, and have since spread their influence into (so far as I am aware) all 50 states.  At the last time I checked, in Michigan they've given endorsements in three state legislative races, and are expecting to give an endorsement in the 3rd Congressional District (Ehlers' vacancy) and 2nd Congressional District (Hoekstra's vacancy).


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