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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    The Greatest Ever (none / 0) (#7)
    by LookingforReagan on Sun Feb 07, 2010 at 07:26:31 PM EST
    I see Mr. Reagan everytime I sign onto my computer. I have one of my favorite images of him as my wall paper. I think about him a great deal and yes, I miss him very much. He was special. He truly loved this country and her people. He was proud of what this nation meant to the world and what the people that came here from everywhere had accomplished as Americans. He understood the immigrant experience. His ancestors had come from the same area of Ireland as mine did. I don't think the left ever understood Mr Reagan. He never had a majority in either the House or Senate yet he got his agenda through for the most part because he realized that the power of this nation lay in the people. He connected with us. The people of this nation. He was one of us and that is why we loved him, trusted him and had the greatest respect for this man. He was ours. Never did this man consider himself an elite who was better then anyone else. He was always just Dutch Reagan, a guy from Dixon, IL that all in all had done pretty well in Hollywood and then politics. Thankfully we have his blueprint for success. Common sense never goes out of style as does the courage to do the right thing. He lifted the average man up, gave us real hope not bumper sticker slogans and he celebrated the greatness of this nation. He knew. He understood how important this nation is to the rest of the world. He saw it as a refuge from slavery, intolerence and oppression.
    His greatest gift to us was his undying confidence in the people of this country. He knew us better then we knew ourselves and he inspired us to be better then we thought we could be. Thank you Mr President. I thank God for the life of Ronald Wilson Reagan and on this day I wish you a very Happy Birthday. I miss you more then you know.

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