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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    My Last Word On This (I promise!) (none / 0) (#15)
    by Rougman on Tue Nov 30, 2010 at 11:44:24 PM EST
    I don't think that allowing smoking in restaurants and bars would turn the economy around.  I do think it would have a positive impact on bars and restaurants which is, by the way, a significant portion of our economy.  But, when you add this law to the thousands of other laws and regulations that are levied upon certain businesses and industries around this state and country, you certainly would have a positive impact on the economy--I posit enough to actually turn the economy around.  

    F'rinstance...bring back cheap energy! (This would positively impact every business and citizen that uses energy.) Disencumber builders and contractors from ridiculous energy regulations that make construction so much more expensive while offering specious payoff targets decades into the future.  Make Michigan a right to work state--few other changes could make Michigan a more competitive marketplace in which businesses could expand or relocate to.  Stop forcing people to buy what they do not want such as ethanol in their gasoline, mercury in their light bulbs, and plastic in their automobiles.  

    Not only would these changes make businesses operate more efficiently, it would also allow consumers to keep more of their earned money in their pockets so that they could, dare I utter the phrase, spread the wealth around.  Growing businesses could hire more people, working people would generate greater government revenues, and the bureaucracy in charge of making sure every i is dotted and every t is crossed could be downsized.  

    But, back to the smoking in bars thing...the old saying goes that the difference between a surgery and a serious surgery is that the serious one is the one that occurs to you.  

    Perhaps ending the smoking ban would not turn around the entire state's economy, but if the premise of the old saying holds true, perhaps that doesn't matter to the bars that have seen their revenues shrink by 25%, or to the bartenders that must get by after their cut in pay.


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