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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Target rich environment (none / 0) (#6)
    by LookingforReagan on Tue Nov 16, 2010 at 10:04:03 AM EST
    When it comes to cutting waste and spending the District of Corruption is a target rich environment. I can think of much that needs to and should be stopped. Examples abound of the waste that was in the Non-Stimulus stimulus slush fund. Such as the $2.0 million dollars for replacement of the windows at the Mount St. Helens visitor center. Problem here is the building has been closed for two years and there are no plans to reopen it. But damn the windows will be nice if they tear it down. We also need to demand that any unspent Stimulus and TARP cash be returned to the treasury. No use throwing more money down a DemoRAT hole. The fact is if those who resided in the rarified air of the District of Corruption really want to do some real good and show they mean what they say WE THE PEOPLE need to start hammering them with ideas and suggestions enmasse. Burn up the phones. I would love it if Congress enacted a No Lobbyiest rule. None would be granted access to any Congressional office during business hours or after for that matter. Also we need to demand a Constitutional Amendment that would simply state that Congress shall begin each session no earlier then the first of October and said session shall end on the 30th of April of the following year. Then said Congress can go home and spread the bull in the fields during planting instead of spreading it in DC where it does so much harm to the public. Give them less time to cause mischieve. Seems the folks that started this whole big enterprise spent a good deal of time at home tending to their hearth and farms but still managed to found a country and fight a war against the elites. Hmmm. The Elites. Seems they have been a problem for sometime.
    Until the members of that corrupt and enept body prove by deed rather then word they finally intend to clean up their act I for one won't be holding my breath. I will be watching. Very closely and I intend to be the biggest pain in the ass that I can.


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