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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Obamacare is Dingells, however... (none / 0) (#4)
    by Corinthian Scales on Wed Oct 20, 2010 at 09:42:33 AM EST
    ...so is National Security.  Dingell has been kowtowing to radical Muslim constituents throughout Dearborn for years at the expense of all our security.

    Why would Mayor Puddingpants, a Dingell staff counsel from '83-'86, author such callow subterfuge when confronted with "Sharia in America" from out of state, while completely ignoring State Rep. Tom McMillin, which actually witnessed Sharia in Dearborn first hand?

    I'd like to take a moment to visually address a few paragraphs of Mayor Puddingpants October 11 letter to Nevada Senate candidate Sharon Angle.  Remember, I recently fled from Michigan's little Ramallah.

    Para 1, Mayor Puddingpants invokes current affairs in Dearborn, then sites being referred to as the Arsenal of Democracy?  Well, that is just plainly living in the past and has absolutely nothing to do with an increasing Muslim population nor with their lack of integration within America.

    Count the American Flags...

    Para 2 talks about a mosque by the Rouge that is safely isolated from the rest of the city.  Here's a look at the Dix Dearborn mosque...

    Videoghraphers note: Video taken pointed away from the mosque, so worshipers would not feel uncomfortable.

    Para 3, Mayor Puddingpants makes claim of Muslim assimilation and adaptation in Dearborn schools and Dearborns' alleged American community.  Assimilation? Separation of mosque and state? Really?

    The real icing on the cake in para 3 is Mayor Puddingpants authoring this one sentence.

    "Contrary to the Sharia Law misconception, there are Christian Evangelists who proselytize to Muslims 365 days a year without resistance or interference from anyone."

    Well, that is just a bald faced lie.  For the past five years Dearborn has been in lawsuits due to Dearborns' unconstitutional advancement of Sharia Law in America.  Again, this is evidenced by former State Rep. Fulton Sheen, Trey Hancock, persecuted Hall-of-Fame high school wrestling coach, Gerald Marszalek and the Thomas More Law Center.

    The fact of the matter is that Sharia Law has become the rule of the day in Mayor Puddingpants Dearborn.  Congressman John Dingell is a power broker in Dearborn and D.C. that is not living up to his sworn Oath of Office.

    This must end.

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