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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    I posted to Mr. Akindele Akinyemi cc rightmichigan (none / 0) (#3)
    by maidintheus on Thu Jul 30, 2009 at 01:50:43 PM EST
    Actually, I posted again in response to his question for my previous post. I really love Mr. Akinyemi but I have a few concerns. Should his recommendations be vetted better and aren't some of them (if unknowing) the same old stink? I hope that I can get some honest feedback here at rightmichigan.

    This is where and what:

    Raphael Johnson makes it very clear who he supports when he votes.

    I don't mean to be partisan but the Democrat Party has had a choke hold on Detroit (and the state) for a long time. The results are clear. How can a (very nice, close friend) politician (or any person) support that agenda, support those who support that agenda...

    I'm just saying. I've noticed some very wonderful people to whom you've given your support, but they don't meet the criteria of not supporting those whose agenda has brought us all down.

    In the past, you've recommended someone who is a Democrat. In this day and age, that is recommending the same results as has been the case for...how many decades now?

    I've not mentioned before but I think we need to address this. There is a difference between compromising versus making a deal. A deal that puts up with a little bit of what's wrong. A deal that will continue to put (quality) education out and indoctrination in, promotes division, hate, and class warfare, and in which there are no incentives except to go bankrupt. Now we have another health care takeover. Can you honestly say that some of these people are clear on these issues? Can you honestly say that some of these people don't vote for those who do?  

    Is this all we have to offer? Where are the men who can do better? I believe you're one of them, one who can do better.

    If it's only about 'skin' in the game then my above doesn't matter. I would note that we've had a lot of skin in the games going on in Detroit, so that's not a valid issue anymore. That old whine isn't being swallowed over here. Those who talk like that are promoting a money maker for the elite to the detriment of 'the' people.

    Those who haven't found their way need to find it before they get my vote. Those who've lost their way, I'll try to vote out.

    I would appreciate hearing more from you on this matter.

    I remain yours respectfully.
    cc rightmichigan.com

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