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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    deed restrictions (none / 0) (#4)
    by leondrolet on Fri May 29, 2009 at 12:47:17 PM EST
    Regarding the question of whether the state could sell the Mackinac Island governor's mansion: maybe.

    Dennis Cawthorn, who served on the Mackinac Island Commission is quoted as saying in a 2003 Freep article that he "believes" there "may be" a deed restriction, but acknowleges that the mansion could probably be leased.

    Governor Granholm's spokesperson is quoted as saying that there IS a deed restriction, and has also been quoted as saying that there "is likely" a deed restriction.

    I'll try to find out the facts on a restriction, since no one seems to really know.

    However, if there is a restriction, the mansion could be leased for a period of years (a 99-year lease is the same as a sale in practical terms).

    Or, the state could simply let the mansion revert back to the federal government. The mansion won't be moved to D.C. - it will still sit where it is. The feds aren't going tear it down to build a Taco Bell or anything. At least the care and maintenance costs would be borne by the federal government and not Michigan taxpayers.

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