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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Joe Pesci and Ray Liotta (none / 0) (#8)
    by goppartyreptile on Thu May 21, 2009 at 10:36:21 AM EST
    I have caught a lot of hell for the last year, as a Michigander that was opposed to the bailout.  

    And my reasoning was quite simple.  Remember the scene in Goodfellas where Pesci and Liotta were in their car, arguing over going out on a double date while the restaurant they just torched went up in flames?

    Yeah.  See, taking money from the government is like taking money from the mob.  They will bust you out once they are done ruining you.

    And I'm sitting at home, scrambling to by a minivan for my kids, any future kids that I have, and the several labrador retrievers I intend to get... why you ask?

    Because in about five years, my 09 Chrysler Town and Country will be priceless.  See, the only way to do what the government wants is to build smaller, lighter, and less powerful cars.

    And I can't pack my brood, and a tent, and all the luggage that I'll need in a Smart Car.

    Now GM and Chrysler don't care, because government mandates means a captive buyer. Oh yeah, and because the government has them buy the you know whats.

     And the environmentalists signed off, because they consider this a "snout under the door", and will revisit the issue by sueing the government in the future, or pushing for even harsher legislation or rules from the Executive.

    And the Union doesn't care, because they need those dues coming in... and they are up to their eyeballs with the other Lefty interests.

    So that leaves us. Families, business owners, the regular old people.

    All those guys  that own plumbing and roofing services... how you gonna buy a new pickup or van?   Even if they make one that can handle the kinds of loads you need to carry, how do you afford it?

    The price of all contractor services are going up.

    We run all these Pure Michigan ads, yet how is anyone going to pack up their family and drive to the U.P. in a car the size of an MG?

    They will not.  Our tourism industry will take a hit.  As will RV dealers and so on...

    And how long will it take till they come after Semi Trucks?

    See our entire economy is set up on the principle of "just on time" deliveries.  Meijer doesn't have to inventory large amounts of flip flops, they order as needed.  Auto makers don't have to build gigantic warehouses for bumpers, they order as they build.

    But when the big trucks have to apply the same standards, what's going to happen?

    That's right.  The price of EVERYTHING will be going up.

    And these were just off the top of my head.  Think about it, and you'll come up with more.

    All this for a planet that doesn't need to be saved.

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