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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Thoughts (none / 0) (#2)
    by Rougman on Mon May 11, 2009 at 11:28:12 AM EST
    I suppose that things have not changed an awful lot  in Detroit with Bing only being in office for part of a day.  

    It will be nice to see a guy lead the city that has actually created a few non-governmental jobs in his life, a guy that has had to deal with needless bureaucracy in his everyday business dealings, and a guy that has enough money on his own that he doesn't have to stuff his back pocket whenever a deal goes down in the city.  I too am pulling for Dave Bing.  

    And GM's bankruptcy?  It was inevitable before it ever received one dime of government (our) money. In the aftermath, let us see how a UAW/Obama partnership can run an auto company.  We will be lucky if it operates as efficiently as Amtrak.  Profitability may no longer be top priority--making a politically correct automobile and creating a pipeline to a guaranteed market will be the first two items on the list.  This does not bode well for taxpayers or consumers. What else is new?

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