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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    thejmfc (none / 0) (#11)
    by Eric T on Sat Apr 04, 2009 at 08:50:22 PM EST
    I know I'm in the minority, that support, aid to the Big 3. I have that hometown bias for the Big 3, I live around the corner from 2 Dodge pickup truck factories, GM and Ford plants right up the road. When I drive across town to work, I'm right behind a huge Ford Pick-up truck factory. Sometimes at work I'm delivering products to the Big 3.

     With all these restructuring mass-layoffs, several entire brands disappearing, plant closings, bankruptcy, The number of Part suppliers being cut in half, cap and trade, ect...

     Then you hear the Wall St. guys talking about a recovery in the next quarter.

    What exactly are we going to recover to???


    WASHINGTON - Unemployment zoomed to 8.5 percent last month, the highest in a quarter-century, as employers axed 663,000 more workers and pushed the nation's jobless ranks past 13 million. The hard times were only expected to get harder -- a painful 10 percent jobless rate before long.

    The current rate would be even higher -- 15.6 percent -- if it included laid-off workers who have given up looking for new jobs or have had to settle for part-time work because they can't do any better. That's the highest on record for that number in figures that go back to 1994.

    The idea of tariffs is sort of unrepublican for me to mention as a solution, looking at the 2008 platform

    However, If you go back in History, tariffs have been there since the birth of our United States, and many Republicans have used them.


    from the link

    Republican Congressman William McKinley argued, "Free foreign trade gives our money, our manufactures, and our markets to other nations to the injury of our labor, our tradespeople, and our farmers. Protection keeps money, markets, and manufactures at home for the benefit of our own people."

    I think McKinley is right on the money, and it applies today, now more than ever.

    The automakers are burdened with as much as $2,000 per car in health care costs -- something that makes it more difficult to compete.
    I think that a $2,000 health care costs tariff on imports would level the playing field, and may help automakers.


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