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      Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

      Raise the curtain.

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      Yeah. (none / 0) (#1)
      by thejmfc on Mon Mar 30, 2009 at 02:03:43 AM EST
      I agree.  From where I sit, Rick Wagoner did a fairly good job.  GM cars and trucks are finally coming out with quality, performance, and styling which compare favorably with the imports.  GM has dealt firmly with the UAW as of the past few years.  Seems that things were going in the right direction under Rick's reign.  

      Of course, in hindsight GM should have put more engineers on their small car lineup.  Nobody knew that fuel costs would soar though, killing demand for the SUV's and light trucks that GM had perfected over the years, and was tooled up to produce.  A company of that size, saddled with a belligerent union like the UAW, can't just turn on a dime.  Combine that rough scenario with a severe economic downturn, and you've got a "perfect storm" situation that I doubt any GM CEO could have pulled out of much better than Rick did.  

      But hey, he flew on a corporate jet to Washington.  I guess that makes him the ideal scapegoat.  

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