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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    We are free to disagree (none / 0) (#1)
    by Rougman on Mon Mar 02, 2009 at 10:18:53 AM EST
    The problem with Emmanuel is that he is attacking Detroit from a completely different philosophical angle than was Shelby.  In a nutshell, Emmanuel wants Detroit, whether it is economically viable or not, to make products that meet the government's standards, to hell with consumers and taxpayers. If Detroit's companies lose money making a government blessed car, Emmanuel believes, the government can swoop in and guarantee survival of the domestics through protectionism and other interventionist schemes.   The pockets of Big Brother being bottomless it would seem.  These are the attached strings that progressives are so fond of--they will save your butt if you do exactly as they say.

    Shelby believes, rather simply, that aside from the fact that the federal government should not become involved directly in the decision making of the private sector, money given to Detroit will be a colossal waste because the milquetoast nimrods running the companies and the militant dipsticks heading up the unions would never negotiate the solid footing necessary to remain viable.  I think Ron Gettelfinger's antics shortly after the bailout was approved indicate that Shelby was correct on the first point, and the fine details in whatever agreement is worked out between the government and the automakers will prove him correct on the second.

    Your point, despite my drivel, is well taken. Progressives must follow the herd.  We are free to disagree.

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