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      Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

      Raise the curtain.

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      Grandnanny the (none / 0) (#6)
      by BruceB on Mon Dec 21, 2009 at 08:22:14 PM EST
      Governments; Federal, State and local have been and are sucking the life out American businesses at an unpresidented pace.  In fact, government is now competing against businesses in all kinds of businesses from Banking, insurance and cars to employment with Work First.  Also Government taxes businesses so that Government can loan or give that tax money to other start up businesses that compete against the business that government taxed in first place.  2-3-5 years later either the taxed business goes out of business or the business given the tax money to start up goes out of business.  Tax money wasted!
      Govenment! Quit it!  Let business start manufacturing things that people here and around the world want to buy for a price that people here and around the world can afford to pay!  Light bulbs, brooms, clothing, cars, anything!  Government, let it happen!  Let business put people back to work!  

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