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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    I say, you're not criticizing, just being helpful. (none / 0) (#11)
    by maidintheus on Sat Nov 21, 2009 at 10:30:03 AM EST
    I welcome and treasure your honesty and help. Please do this often and without restraint. When people feel unable to take a bit of this helpful criticism is when they are afraid to self correct.

    Of course there are various concerns, hence the above comments.

    As to overcoming, which you've referenced: Education and propaganda has been infiltrated to almost saturation by the 'disinformationists', being compromised towards with the conservatives thinking (I guess) that getting somewhere by deals with a socialist agenda is better then no deal. Now we can see that endorsing in small encroaching ways is wrong headed. It leads eventually to...where we are now.

    The way out is via the same: Take a stand for REAL education and ACCURATE propaganda, precept on precept. We may have to withstand a few hits in the gut via a gov't shut down, troops (and schools...)in jeopardy of funding, as hidden attachment will encroach freedom, liberty, and further socialist (back breaking costs to citizens) agenda... and legislature can state why they can't vote for that.

    The Republican Party needs to have faith in themselves. There is a Biblical saying, fear not/only believe. They need to do the next right thing, not being swayed that the sovereign citizen/US Constitution honoring thing may not seem popular enough, keeping the faith that when you do what's right it will be alright.    


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