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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Radical Changes in State Taxes/Budget Required (none / 0) (#1)
    by DMOnline on Mon Oct 05, 2009 at 04:57:48 PM EST
    There's a side of me that doesn't understand all the fuss over government closing shop for a while.  Seems to me they can't do much harm when they've "gone fishin'."  But I see your point.

    As we all know, this state needs radical and fundamental changes to not only its budget process but the entire tax system too.

    My view is a radical one: Wipe out all business taxes and cut regulatory red tape dramatically to attract jobs to this state.  No more special tax incentives for certain companies or certain industries.  Just make it cheap and attractive for any business to start up and flourish here.

    Then cut, cut, cut, and cut some more in spending.

    Will it hurt for certain constituencies accustomed to feeding off the state of Michigan's teat?  You betcha.  But for this state to come back from the brink, this is the only way that will happen.

    The rest of us must live within our means - so must our state government.  Simple stuff really.


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