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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Not supprising if we understand history. (none / 0) (#12)
    by LookingforReagan on Wed Jan 07, 2009 at 11:27:09 AM EST
    First let me say that the appointment of Mr. Burris was totally within the realm of the Constitution. He does meet the requirements set forth in that governing document, not what Harry"Bull Connor" Reid prefers. When the transcripts and recordings are released we shall see what the Mortician of the Senate really had to say as regards to an African/American filling the seat.
    But for those who attended government schools and don't know the real history of the Democrat Party let me enlighten the masses. The Democrat Party was the party of the south in the beginning of this nation. As such it was the party of the slave holder. After the end of reconstruction it was the party of Jim Crow and the KuKluxKLan was the terrorists arm of the Democrat Party. To this day a former Klan member, Senator Robert C. Byrd D-WV still is a member of the Senate and the Democrat Party.
    When we hear Cong.John Lewis lament his treatment by Bull Connor,it appears the Congressman from Georgia forgets that Sheriff Connor was a Democrat. Gov. George Corley Wallace who refused entrance of black students to Ole'Miss by standing in the door of that University, was a Democrat, Gov. Forebush of Arkansas that fought the integration of Little Rock High was a Democrat. These things arent' taught in schools today. The revisionism that passes for history education announces that Republicans are the racists in America even though the Great Emmancipator was a Republican and most of the soldiers that fought for the Union were Republicans as well. The GAR was a Republican Veterans Association. It is up to us to begin to educate as to where the real racism and anti-semmitism lies in this country as far as political parties are concerned. And historically and otherwise it isn't in our part of the woods.
    Most people do not realize that if it weren't for nearly all of the Republicans in the Congress in the 1960s, the first Civil Rights bill would never have passed. Senators such as Albert Gore Sr. and Bill Clinton's mentor William J. Fullbrighth voted against the legislation. Both were avowed segregationists. Let the record stand as it happened not as the MSM and the Political Indoctrination Centers teach it today. History is what it is and the Democrats have never really shaken off their slave holder leanings.
    As a life long student of American history and the Civil War I can say the facts and history are very clear. Democrats are racists.

    • Correction; by LookingforReagan, 01/07/2009 03:55:13 PM EST (none / 0)

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