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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Thoughts on the Points . . . (none / 0) (#1)
    by Kevin Rex Heine on Sat Jan 24, 2009 at 11:56:59 PM EST
    . . . from an "outside the box" thinker.

    Jason, you and I are both military men (as are a few other frequenters here), so you'll know what I refer to when I mention a strategic retreat.  In part, that is how I view what Mr. Volpe is suggesting in your referenced article.  Rather than rolling over and playing dead, giving up anything and everything to escape the rout, or launching blunderbuss reactionary attacks to any and every Obamanation that we disagree with, instead the Republicans must retreat strategically in order to win in 2010.

    If I recall my tactical and operational training correctly, then there are some keys to successfully conducting a strategic retreat:

    • Survival by surrender:  In other words, know when it isn't worth fighting over.  This seems to be the advice that Mr. Volpe is providing here with regards to the stimulus and GITMO items.  BHO is going to get his way on this anyway, and about half the public knows it's a bad idea, so leave it alone . . . for now.  Just make damn sure that no elephants are onboard that train (RINOs won't get off it, and shouldn't be allowed off in any event; all the better to purge them when this crashes and burns).

    • Make the enemy fight for ground you're going to give up anyway:  Sure, we know that O-Bozo's going to get his way on certain things, and we know that we can't stop him (and on certain things we shouldn't).  But that doesn't mean we can't make him waste resources (and political capital) on those issues.  In fact, on the stimulus, GITMO, unenhanced interrogation, and other such items, the GOP in Congress absolutely should make a point of getting their objections on the record in a very public and high-profile way (with the warning, that we know Barry'll ignore, on the record and in the open).  But back off as soon as it's obvious that BHO is going to push the issue.

    • Preserve offensive options and resources:  We know that the Democrats are going to get greedy, overreach, and that this is going to come back and bite the president in the butt.  The GOP, if it plans properly, will have its options ready and waiting once Obama and the rest of the Democrat-Socialists are overcommitted and caught without a retreat option.  Then the civility most certainly ends.

    • Die in place, but only where appropriate:  There are some things that the GOP cannot give ground on without compromising the country's ability to recover and right itself.  Card Check, Fairness Doctrine, and a few other examples come to mind, but there are not many of them.  Nor should there be, the Congressional GOP must not waste resources defending terrain that we do not need to hold.

    Being military men, we also know that superior degree of confidence (known only to people in the armed forces and emergency services) that those unacquainted with our background and training mistake too easily for arrogance.  Those same fools mistake Obama's arrogance for that superior confidence, but in doing so, they forget the critical difference between the two.

    The arrogant man honestly holds in his head and heart that he cannot be beaten, and thus prepares accordingly.  President Obama has never once in his professional and political career tasted defeat.  Thus, I suspect that he is firmly espoused to the notion that he never shall taste defeat.  And boy is he in for a rude surprise when he finally does, because he's going to be clueless in an office where that is the ultimate Bad Thing.

    That level of confidence that you, me, and our brothers and sisters in the military (and emergency services) know as an intimate part of our thinking is born out of the knowledge, perhaps first-hand, that we certainly can be beaten.  So what we do is out-think, out-work, out-hustle, and flat out out-perform . . . so that we don't get beat today.  Not one person (bar none) on Team Obama has this understanding, which is why we will ultimately hand them their backsides on a silver dinner platter.

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