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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    That was prophetic... (none / 0) (#7)
    by Cheetorbolt on Tue Jan 20, 2009 at 05:57:14 PM EST
    One of these rally's did happen today in my school.

    Granted, two seniors were at the inauguration, and talked to us live on the phone before-hand. That's cool (although they were a bit hard to hear).

    If that's all that was going on, and perhaps an insightful view into what's going to happen in the next 4 years, and what historic significance Obama's election bears, this rally would have been hard to have a real grudge against.

    Although I might find a way anyways. As stated in the above post, I don't remember any 2004 rallies. But then again, sure, this was especially historic.

    O.k., I've gotten the non-aggression out of my system. Despite what could have happened, here's what did.

    First, we opened with one our students telling us the reason this was historic was that Obama was the first president we could relate to, the first president in history who was like us.

    If there was any way to have masked my school's bias towards this man, that was not it.

    But it got better. We looked at pictures sent to us by the two seniors in D.C. And those running the assembly couldn't help but include a picture of a caricature of Bush with an abnormally long nose, to the description "Here is a picture [nameless] took of some in D.C. saying their farewell to our 43rd president."

    (Cue uproarious applause and cheers.)

    Soon enough, we ventured off into a feel-good trivia game about Obama's life up to this date. While the question were being asked and answered (and much to my shame, my class was trouncing all the others in the game), there was a stationary power point display of some of Obama's campaign insignias just sitting there in the front of the room.

    I honestly couldn't help but think of the idols of old.

    Then we moved on to a recap of how the election process went for Obama, which ended in some reflection questions, namely:

    1.) How did you feel when Obama was elected (you ought to know my answer)?
    2.) Where were you when you heard?
    3.) Did you play a part in the campaign process?
    4.) How did you feel about seeing him in person in Grand Rapids (A field trip was especially reserved in October at my school for those who wanted to go see his rally. I respectfully declined)?

    What was strange for me was that I detected a last day of school feeling throughout the school. It was almost contagious. Except for me, it felt like the last day of summer break.

    I'm just saying...

    • Snap! by Nick, 01/20/2009 07:06:41 PM EST (none / 0)

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