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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Right On! (none / 0) (#4)
    by Not A RINO on Sun Feb 24, 2008 at 04:19:44 PM EST
    For much of their schooling, my sons were homeschooled. Believe me, they were taught critical thinking, how to write a legible paragraph and a couple levels of algebra & trig. They are a few things missing in the public schools today.

    A while back I did some research and found that while Michigan has the third highest paid teachers in the nation, our students rank only in 20th place; the Governor admitted on the radio that our students rank 37th in obtaining a college education which tells me they aren't prepared for higher education; administration costs are 58% above the national average.

    Ms. Day is right that public education is a government monopoly ran by the MEA, the teacher's union that is all about a political agenda rather than a trade association designed to raise standards in performance of its members. As a parent and taxpayer, I find it disgusting that such poor value is given to our students. We can't be the premier world leader with third world education and liberal indocrination for our students. Sadly, there is no public figure with the intestinal fortitude to make the changes necessary. Anyone who stands up to this nonsense will be excoriated for "hating children". Well-intentioned taxpayers, as a result, will be shoveling more and more cash into the trough and will continue to receive the same shoddy performance for the foreseeable future.

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