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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Yes and no - not talk radio, to the streets (none / 0) (#15)
    by John Galt on Fri Nov 07, 2008 at 08:44:19 PM EST
    Talk Radio doesn't reach the masses.  Rush Limbaugh isn't doing segments on Republicans in 3300 counties across the nation.  He's focusing on the big issues with his audience of 20 million.

    Frank Beckman's show in the Detroit area might be a good start, but his show is pretty exclusive too.  

    There's a reason they call it "earned media" - you have to do something newsworthy to be on it.  

    Taking your message "straight to the people" is exactly that.  Walk door to door.  Print off fliers.  Talk to people and talk to them directly.

    The President gets airtime to address the people directly, bypassing the media.  You don't have that luxury, but you have precinct delegates.  You have friends and family.  Talk to people, and do it yourself.

    2009 is an off-year.  There are city elections.  It's a year for building up.  If your local party won't start building up, then find a group that does.  Start a group that does.  Get voter lists.  Take a message of hope to the people.

    And if this doesn't sound like you, then help someone who can.  Someone who can be positive and communicate a Republican message of hope is someone who should be running for office - and supported by your local leadership.

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