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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    I agree. Hold Leadership Accountable. (none / 0) (#6)
    by John Galt on Fri Nov 21, 2008 at 09:17:58 PM EST
    First and foremost, You know, I absolutely agree that we should hold leadership accountable.  But here's where we disagree.

    WE are the leadership, my friend.

    For the party to become stronger, we together must become stronger.  Do you really thing we need a single, solitary leader for this?

    I get tired of being pissed every time I hear people call into Rush and Hannity asking "what can we do, oh great Maha".  Tell us what we need to do.  It's absolute crap.  How can a party of individuals who believe in individual rights just give up and subscribe to the collective wisdom of one man?  

    For every person who says "Saul should have done more", I ask them:  What are YOU going to do more of?  More than half of the people criticizing Anuzis didn't make calls or go door to door for any candidate.  They did nothing substantial.  (I don't care which ones of you did, you're halfway to the finish line if you really DID.)

    For those who DID do something, I ask - "Can you bring 3 more people with you when you do it again?".  I also ask "what do you think can be done better?  What didn't you like doing?".

    WE are the leadership.  WE run the party.  It's OUR consensus that makes the party.  Let's hold OURSELVES accountable first, and seek a leader that reflects our own desire for accountability and results.

    On the misnomer of "kicking people out"  I'm not advocating kicking people from the party.  I've said it four times, so I'll summarize here.  There are people who bitch and moan and threaten to walk away if they don't have their way.  LET THEM GO.  We can afford to lose people who are going to distract us and damage us.  If we spend our time worrying about individual whiners, we detract from our goals and waste our precious resources.

    Your opinion is your opinion, and that's fine.  People are upset about losing 19 house seats.  We did it to ourselves, and it's the same attitudes telling us to "tear down and rebuild from the ground up" that is going to lead to the same results in 2 years.  We lost by 8m votes and MANY narrow losses.  We hardly need a teardown, and we hardly need to reinvent the wheel.  

    The "little l" libertarians are not the ones poisoning the party, and almost all of them are working positively to make changes.  They're not threatening to go.  But EVEN if they did, let them go.  I'm not going to succumb to threats and ultimatums that waste our time.

    On the RINO issue  No doubt there are those who are indeed RINOs.  But many people have taken the term too far.  If there's a disagreement with an elected official they're a RINO.  

    I've heard people call Engler, the greatest Conservative this state has ever elected, a RINO.  I'm sick of it.  There are several out there, like Olympia Snow.  There are some who would be RINOs but for their district, like Joe Lieberman.  I think many people viewed John McCain as a "traitor" with the Gang-of-5 and Gang-of-12 and other crap.  That was his own doing, his own choices.  But that doesn't mean we have to punish others down the ticket who were good Republicans who didn't forego their "conservative roots".

    FINALLY - I'm done with taking advice from Time Magazine, the New York Times, and other blow-hards that don't have the GOPs best interest at heart.  It's easy to fall into the trap - we need information and look for easy ways to get it.  But don't take advice from those who seek to destroy you.

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