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      Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

      Raise the curtain.

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      Calley or Elsenheimer (none / 0) (#5)
      by Brady on Mon Nov 10, 2008 at 08:24:38 PM EST
      It will either be Calley or Elsenheimer because the Republican Caucus isn't bright enough to pick Proos.

      Keep in mind that Elsenheimer's northern Michigan support only amounts to four votes:  himself, the guy taking Walker's place, Booher and Tim Moore.  Elsenheimer also has the distinction of going into his third term, a factor that has spelled doom for all leadership candidates of both parties in the term limits era unless they were running for re-election to a post.  Elsenheimer would be the most partisan and his election would signify that the Republican minority intends to focus on battling Democrats rather than have legislation passed.

      Calley is a particularly bright candidate who has been able to establish himself quickly in his first term.  However a lot of Republican staff complain that he is too much like DeRoche and/or too young to serve as leader.  He would be a middle of the road choice between Elsenheimer and Proos.

      Proos would be the smartest choice as he would work best with the Democratic majority.  His election would be a sign that Republicans intended to be productive partners with the Democrats in governing and accept their minority party status while the party goes through a multi-session rebuilding process.

      • Amen. by Nick, 11/11/2008 08:09:36 AM EST (none / 0)
        • Ditto by maidintheus, 11/11/2008 09:46:37 AM EST (none / 0)

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