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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    FDR (none / 0) (#1)
    by goppartyreptile on Wed Oct 22, 2008 at 09:41:26 PM EST
    If you look at early polling, etc, during FDR's terms, you find that the people were getting more and more tired of him... but continued to vote for him for two reasons:

    1) toward the end, they rallied around the CINC during the war.

    2)They had no credible alternative.  During the time that FDR was throwing the kitchen sink at the Depression, and lengthening it, the GOP was still saying Hoover was right...

    And that stigma lasted with us all the way through till Ike.

    What you have in this state is a situation in which the Democrats are out propagandizing and blaming and feeling people's pain, and the GOP is floundering and not coming up with alternatives and only seem interested in being against democrats.

    The voters are soverign; when they don't do what you want, they either aren't buying what your side is selling, or they don't even know what you are selling.

    I'd argue that our problem is the latter.

    Yelling Granholm sucks, and then having your gubernatorial candidate not be able to answer attacks on his business, tell everyone he has a plan and that it's "on his website, look at it", and saying, after his opponent accused him of killing little old ladies by investing in a retirement home, that "it was a bad investment", isn't a way to win the hearts and minds.

    Look at the various house races around this state this year, and ask yourself: What do we stand for as a party?

    And there is the answer as to why we fail...

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