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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Can celebrations - it's just stealing from future (5.00 / 1) (#11)
    by Hayekian on Sat May 26, 2007 at 01:24:17 PM EST
    2007 Senate Bill 436 (Balance 2006-2007 budget with cuts, accounting shifts, and debt)

     - Passed in the House (69 to 37) and Senate (26 to 10) on May 25, 2007, to partially close the gap between previously appropriated spending and expected revenue in the current fiscal year budget by adopting some relatively modest budget cuts (but none to schools), postponing various payments until the next fiscal year, contributing less-than-actuarially sound amounts to pension funds, "raiding" several "restricted" funds for $167.9 million (only $30 million of which is from "21st Century Jobs Fund"), and new debt. The bill actually increases welfare, Medicaid and prison spending. Government restructuring or additional spending cuts will be avoided by borrowing between $100 million and $600 million (depending on further negotiations.)

    2007 House Resolution 124
      -  Introduced by Rep. Andy Meisner on May 25, 2007, to express support for using up to $100 million of money borrowed for need-based college scholarships and loans, and currently held by the Higher Education Loan Authority, to avoid spending cuts in the Fiscal Year 2006-2007 budget.

    2007 House Resolution 123
     -   Introduced by Rep. Virgil Smith, Jr. on May 25, 2007, to express support for borrowing up to $500 million to avoid spending cuts in the Fiscal Year 2006-2007 budget. The money would be borrowed against future revenue from the 1998 tobacco company lawsuit settlement, which currently is used for Medicaid spending, non-need based college scholarships, and other purposes. Passed in the House by voice vote on May 25, 2007.

    Here's one of the so-called "reforms" the Stupid Party wrestled from the Evil Party:

    2007 House Bill 4799 (Revise dual school employee pension/salary loophole ) - To adopt a substitute that does not repeal the repeal the loophole. A school employee would still be allowed to collect both pension benefits and a salary if he or she was employed by a school district that has a teacher shortage. Note: In many if not most cases, this is currently the reason usually given to justify what has been characterized as "double dipping". The substitute passed in the House by voice vote on May 25, 2007.

    You see that? It's no reform at all. It's a trick.

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